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الأحد، 26 سبتمبر 2010

IV. Metatags

A couple of years ago <meta> tags were the primary tool for search engine optimization and there was a direct correlation between what you wrote there and your position in search results. However, algorithms got better and today the importance of metadata is decreasing day by day, especially with Google. But still some search engines show metadata (under the clickable link in search results), so users can read what you have written and if they think it is relevant, they might go to your site. Also, some of the specialized search engines still use the metatags when ranking your site.
The meta Description tag is are one more way for you to write a description of your site, thus pointing search engines to what themes and topics your Web site is relevant to. It does not hurt to include at least a brief description, so don't skip it. For instance, for the dog adoption site, the meta Description tag could be something like this: <Meta Name=“Description” Content=“Adopting a dog saves a life and brings joy to your house. All you need to know when you consider adopting a dog.”>
A potential use of the meta Keywords tags is to include a list of keywords that you think are relevant to your pages. The major search engines will not take this into account but still it is a chance for you to emphasize your target keywords. You may consider including alternative spellings (or even common misspellings of your keywords) in the meta Keywords tag. For instance, if I were to write the meta keywords tag for the dog adoption site, I would do it like that: <Meta name=“Keywords” Content=“adopt, adoption, dog, dogs, puppy, canine, save a life, homeless animals”>. It is a small boost to search engine top ranking but why miss the chance?

The meta Robots tag deserves more attention. In this tag you specify the pages that you do NOT want crawled and indexed. It happens that on your site you have contents that you need to keep there but you don't want it indexed. Listing this pages in the meta Robots tag is one way to exclude them (the other way is by using a robots.txt file and generally this is the better way to do it) from being indexed.

III. Links – Another Important SEO Item

1. Why Links Are Important

Probably the word that associates best with Web is “links”. That is what hypertext is all about – you link to pages you like and get linked by pages that like your site. Actually, the Web is woven out of interconnected pages and spiders follow the links, when indexing the Web. If not many sites link to you, then it might take ages for search engines to find your site and even if they find you, it is unlikely that you will have high rankings because the quality and quantity of links is part of the algorithms of search engines for calculating relevancy.

2. Inbound and Outbound Links

Put in layman's terms, there are two types of links that are important for SEO – inbound and outbound links. Outbound links are links that start from your site and lead to another one, while inbound links, or backlinks, come from an external site to yours, e.g. if links to, the link from is an inbound link for

Backlinks are very important because they are supposed to be a measure of the popularity of your site among the Web audience. It is necessary to say that not all backlinks are equal. There are good and bad backlinks. Good backlinks are from reputable places - preferably from sites with a similar theme. These links do boost search engine ranking. Bad backlinks come from suspicious places – like link farms – and are something to be avoided. Well, if you are backlinked without your knowledge and consent, maybe you should drop the Webmaster a line, asking him or her to remove the backlink.

If you are not heavily backlinked, don't worry - buying links is an established practice and if you are serious about getting to the top, you may need to consider it. But before doing this, you should consider some free alternatives. For instance, some of the good places where you can get quality backlinks are Web directories like or

First, look for suitable sites to backlink to you using the Backlinks Builder . After you identify potential backlinks, it's time to contact the Web master of the site and to start negotiating terms. Sometimes you can agree to a barter deal – i.e. a link exchange – they will put on their site N links to your site and you will put on your site N links to their site - but have in mind that this is a bad, risky deal and you should always try to avoid it.
Internal links (i.e. links from one page to another page on the same site) are also important but not as much as backlinks. In this connection it is necessary to say, that using images for links might be prettier but it is a SEO killer. Instead of having buttons for links, use simple text links. Since search engines spider the text on a page, they can't see all the designer miracles, like gradient buttons or flash animations, so when possible, either avoid using them, or provide a meaningful textual description in the <alt> tag, as described next.

3. Anchor text

Anchor text is the most important item in a backlink. While it does matter where a link comes from (i.e. a reputable place or a link farm), what matters more is the actual text the link starts from. Put simply, anchor text is the word(s) that you click on to open the hyperlink – e.g. if we have the best search engine, than “the best search engine” is the anchor text for the hyperlink to You see that you might have a backlink from a valuable site but if the anchor text is something like “an example of a complete failure”, you will hardly be happy with it.

When you check your backlinks, always check what their anchor text is and if there is a keyword in it. It is a great SEO boost to have a lot of backlinks from quality sites and the anchor text to include our keywords. Check the anchor text of inbound backlinks is with the Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer tool . Besides the anchor text itself, the text around it is also important.

4. Link Practices That Are To Be Avoided

Similar to keyword stuffing, purchasing links in bulk is a practice to be avoided. It gets suspicious if you bartered 1000 links with another site in a day or two. What is more, search engines keep track of link farms (sites that sell links in bulk) and since bought links are a way to manipulate search results, this practice gets punished by search engines. So avoid dealing with link farms because it can cause more harm than do good. Also, outbound links from your site to known Web spammers or “bad guys” are also to be avoided.

As mentioned, link exchange is not a clean deal. Even if it boosts your ranking, it can have many other negative aspects in the long run. First, you do not know if the other party will keep their promise – i.e. they might remove some of the links to you. Second, they might change the context the link appears into. Third, it is really suspicious if you seem to be “married” to another site and 50% or more of your inbound and outbound links are from/to this direction.

When links are concerned, one aspect to have in mind is the ratio between inbound and outbound links. Generally speaking, if your outbound links are ten times your inbound links, this is bad but it also varies on a case by case basis. If you have a site that links to news sources or has RSS feeds, then having many outbound links is the inevitable price of fresh content.

تحذير مهم جدا: خطر سرقة ايميلك ومعلوماتك بضغطة زر

لقد رأيت في الاونة الاخيرة العديد من الرسائل المرسلة من ايميلات منها بأسم شركات معروفة مثل شركة  YAHOO او GOOGLE MAIL  او  Fcebook او بنوك مثل Egold و آخرها من , او غيرها من الشركات و البنوك تطلب من الناس ان يقوموا بتفعيل ايميلاتهم واشتراكاتهم مالم فسيتم اغلاق حساباتهم بسبب فشل في النظام، وهو في الحقيقة صفحات مزورة تعرف بـ  Phishing ,وهي صفحات مزورة واحيانا يوهموا الناس انهم حصلوا على مبالغ معينه فبمجرد ان يقوم الشخص بالضغط على الرابط المرفق مع الرسالة يتم تحويلهم الى صفخات اخرى او يكون هنالك في الاغلب رسالة تقول لك بأن الصفحة غير موجودة او ان الصفحة لايمكن تحميلها الان بسبب الضغط في النظام او الموقع لذا حاول مجددا، وفي الحقيقة انه قد تم ارسال ايميلك و رقمك السري وحساباتك وكل مالديك من معلومات سرية وخاصة الى ايميل الشخص المخترق الذي ارسل الرسالة ومنها يتم سرقة جميع ارصدتك في البنوك او التشهير بأسمك في مواقع الاختراق واللعب بمحتويات بريدك او مراسلة اصدقائك بأسمك و خداعهم او ابتزازهم والعديد من الاشياء التي لايمكنكم تخيلها.

ملاحظة: اغلب الشركات والبنوك لا تطلب منك تأكيد رقمك السري او Psaaword على الاطلاق بعد عمل البريد او الايميل.  
لذا ارجوا منكم ان تحذروا الرسائل الغريبه والمشبوههة وان تزودوا اصحابكم واهلكم عن الموضوع وتحذروهم، وكذلك لا تنسوا ان تزودوا انفسكم بالمعلومات اللازمة عن الاختراق واحدث طرق الاختراق.
واذا اردتم ان تستفسروا عن مواضيع الاختراق او اي موضوع في مجال تقنية المعلومات ارجوا ان تتفاعلوا معي و تطرحوا مواضيعكم و نقاشاتكم في مدونتي ليتم مناقشتها ومشاركة الافكار والمعلومات وتبادل الخبرات فيما بيننا لنشر المعرفة للجميع.
ارجوا الا تنسوني من الدعاء

Is your PC a sitting duck for hackers?

How confident are you that your computer is safe from an online attack?

Chances are you rely on vendors like Microsoft and Apple to let you know when a security update is ready to be installed. (Google updates systems automatically.)

But until a patch is released, that hole--known as a zero-day vulnerability--in effect makes your computer a sitting duck for anyone who writes an exploit for it and bothers to distribute it via e-mails and drive-by downloads on Web sites.

EEye Digital Security launched a Web site yesterday that lists current zero-day vulnerabilities and offers an archive on ones that have been patched. The Zero Day Tracker compiles information on publicly disclosed security holes and provides details on them including what software they affect, how severe they are, the potential impact and suggestions for workarounds and other protection techniques.

Marc Maiffret, co-founder and chief technology officer of eEye, describes the free site as a "one-stop shop" for zero-day information.

"For the longest time the only company that would notify you about zero-days was Microsoft, and recently Adobe has started doing that," he said. "But there are still many other companies that have zero-day vulnerabilities that go unreported."

The most widely used database of software vulnerabilities is the National Vulnerability Database sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security's National Cyber Security Division/US-CERT and run by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. There is also the Open Source Vulnerability Database, the US-CERT Vulnerability Notes Database and one run by SecurityFocus. But you have to do some digging on the sites to find the vulnerabilities that are unpatched.

Zero Day Tracker lists the outstanding unpatched holes with the most recent at the top. There are 21 current zero-days, all of them from 2010 except for one from 2006 and one from 2005. The oldest extant unpatched hole was first disclosed in November 2005 and affects Windows 2000. Patched zero-days are archived by year and date back to 2005.

"Microsoft, as some might expect, has the largest amount of unpatched zero day vulnerabilities in 2010," Maiffret said. Microsoft also dominates previous years too, not surprisingly, with increasing numbers for Adobe Systems as the years progress and only a few for Apple among them.

Those statistics are cursory and likely to change as eEye works to populate the archives.

Meanwhile, asked to comment on the dearth of Apple listings, Maiffret said that reflects on Apple's market being much smaller than Windows and does not mean that Macintosh software is more secure.

"There are significantly fewer zero-day vulnerabilities for Apple compared to Microsoft and Microsoft-related applications, but it's definitely not about Mac not having vulnerabilities," he said. Attackers prefer to spend their time and energy targeting the 90 or so percent of computers on the Internet running Windows, he added. (For more on the Mac-PC comparison, see "In their words: Experts weigh in on Mac vs. PC security.")

Recently, Adobe rushed out a patch for a zero-day vulnerability in Flash Player, and Microsoft released an emergency patch for one that exploited a Windows hole to spread the Stuxnet worm, which targets industrial control and critical infrastructure systems. Stuxnet exploited three other Windows vulnerabilities, one of which Microsoft patched last week and two others that are pending.

The Zero Day Tracker site also will include information on unpatched mobile software, which is a growing field. "One of the last iPhone jailbreak hacks out there was actually leveraging a vulnerability within PDF (portable document format) processing on the iPhone," Maiffret said. "That's an example of a zero-day vulnerability on the mobile platform."

In addition to offering a handy resource for people looking for zero-day information, Maiffret hopes that publicizing vulnerabilities on the Zero Day Tracker site will motivate vendors to patch them more quickly. "We want to put pressure on software vendors," he said.

The company is gathering its information from vendors, security e-mail lists, and by monitoring underground and overseas forums where malicious hackers brag about finding or exploiting holes in popular programs. "One (tip) we got was based on conversations on a Chinese message board," Maiffret said.

Often, when announcing a security hole vendors will attempt to assuage customer fears by announcing that attacks targeting the vulnerability have not yet been seen in the wild. But it's usually only a matter of time before an exploit surfaces, particularly if the software is something popular like Windows, Adobe Reader or Internet Explorer, according to Maiffret. "Often it's within the same day," he said.

For instance, Microsoft on Friday warned of a serious hole in its ASP.NET framework used to create Web sites and said it was not aware of any attacks using it. On Monday, the company updated its security advisory on the vulnerability to say that it was aware of "limited, active attacks" using the hole.

Exploits can go undetected for months, or even longer. For example, it's unclear how long the Operation Aurora attack that targeted Google and dozens of other companies via an unknown hole in Internet Explorer was going on. Google disclosed it in January 2010 and said it uncovered it the previous month. But one analysis said it was first tested in the wild five months before then, although it might not have been targeting the same companies at that time. Several days after Google announced the attacks, Microsoft confirmed the IE hole and a week later patched it.

"The vulnerability was being used before the industry knew about it," Maiffret said. "There are a huge number of attacks we don't know about and we typically learn about accidentally."

الجمعة، 24 سبتمبر 2010

Before you buy a breast pump read this...

Most of the obstetrician and gynecologist promote the use of breast pump to encourage women to continue breast feeding. A breast pump can be godsend for nursing mom. By extracting milk so you can store it in bottles for later feedings, it lets you leave your baby for more than two or three hours between nursings. This offers obvious advantages to working mom. But even if you don't work, pumping frees you to go out for the evening or long afternoon.

There are two main types of breast pumps, manual and mechanical. The manual pumps are very affordable and comfortable. The advantages manual pumps have on other mechanical or electicity operated ones are portability, no dependency on electricity, easy, convenient, comfortable and its capacity to pump more milk faster than electric pump.

Breast pump is a valuable tool to help women continue breast feed longer, thereby providing their baby with best possible nutrition. A breast pump provide mothers their independence, more so if they are working women. Proper planning will certainly help women to incorporate breast feeding into their daily life without compromising on independence and nutrition to the new born baby.

Get Rid of Excess Fat

Aim for healthy weight - NHLBI recommendations

If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight puts you at risk for developing many diseases, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Losing this weight helps to prevent and control these diseases. The NHLBI guidelines provide you with a new approach for the measurement of overweight and obesity and a set of steps for safe and effective weight loss.

Weight loss to lower elevated blood pressure in overweight and obese persons with high blood pressure.

Weight loss to lower elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides, and to raise low levels of HDL-cholesterol in overweight and obese persons with dyslipidemia.

Weight loss to lower elevated blood glucose levels in overweight and obese persons with type 2 diabetes.

Use the BMI to assess overweight and obesity. Body weight alone can be used to follow weight loss, and to determine the effectiveness of therapy.

The BMI to classify overweight and obesity and to estimate relative risk of disease compared to normal weight.

The waist circumference should be used to assess abdominal fat content.

The initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce body weight by about 10 percent from baseline. With success, and if warranted, further weight loss can be attempted.

Weight loss should be about 1 to 2 pounds per week for a period of 6 months, with the subsequent strategy based on the amount of weight lost.

Low calorie diets (LCD) for weight loss in overweight and obese persons. Reducing fat as part of an LCD is a practical way to reduce calories.

Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. However, reducing dietary fat, along with reducing dietary carbohydrates, can help reduce calories.

A diet that is individually planned to help create a deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal/day should be an intregal part of any program aimed at achieving a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week.

Physical activity should be part of a comprehensive weight loss therapy and weight control program because it:1. modestly contributes to weight loss in overweight and obese adults,
2. may decrease abdominal fat,
3. increases cardiorespiratory fitness, and
4. may help with maintenance of weight loss.

Physical activity should be an integral part of weight loss therapy and weight maintenance. Initially, moderate levels of physical activity for 30 to 45 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week, should be encouraged. All adults should set a long-term goal to accumulate at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, and preferably all, days of the week.

The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased physical activity is recommended since it produces weight loss that may also result in decreases in abdominal fat and increases in cardiorespiratory fitness.

Behavior therapy is a useful adjunct when incorporated into treatment for weight loss and weight maintenance.

Weight loss and weight maintenance therapy should employ the combination of LCD’s, increased physical activity, and behavior therapy. After successful weight loss, the likelihood of weight loss maintenance is enhanced by a program consisting of dietary therapy, physical activity, and behavior therapy which should be continued indefinitely. Drug therapy can also be used. However, drug safety and efficacy beyond 1 year of total treatment have not been established.

A weight maintenance program should be a priority after the initial 6 months of weight loss therapy.

Top 30 Health & Fitness Tips

A garlic a day: Garlic is the mother of all cures. Researchers in Liverpool have found that 5ml of garlic extract lower levels of a disease-causing chemical by up to 48 per cent.

Eat wholegrain foods: Make sure you have whole-grain bread, rice or pasta at least four times a week and you will reduce the chance of having cancer by 40 per cent.

Take care of your skin: Always wear sun-screen lotion during summers. It is advisable to use winter care creams to overcome the harsh and cold winds. The best cure is to smile through and your skin will shine with an extra dash. It's no big secret!
Buy Facial Sauna

Eat plenty of fish: Fish is the recommended diet for a longer healthier life. Studies have found that those who regularly ate fish were up to one-third less likely to get heart diesease than those who ate it less than once a month.

Try Tea: Tea is always good. Being a heavy tea-drinker can never have nagative effects. The protective effects of tea increase with the amount drunk, and people who are regular tea drinkers are the least likely to die of a heart attack.

Stop smoking: Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine pathces, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely your are to develop cancer or heart disease.

Walk for Health: There is nothing better than walking. Walking a mile everyday, or taking reasonable exercise three times a week, promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as strengthens bones and keeps them strong.
Buy a blood pressure instrument to monitor your B.P. before and after the walk.

Never sleep over a backache: It is never advisable to sleep over a backache. Research shows that people who take to their beds with backache take the longest time to recover. Those who avoid bed-rest and continue normal activities as much as possible have less pain.

Water spells health: Water flushes out the toxins. A good amount of liquid intake helps the entire system and of course is best for curing skin ailments. The average man needs 2.9 litres, or about 12 cups of water, a day and woman needs about 2.2 litres.

Stop bad breath: You can prevent that unfriendly odour. It is caused by oral bacteria. A toungue scraper may help, but dental care may be needed. Mouth rinses are effective, as are flossing and brushing teeth twice a day.

Slow down on the junk: Research shows that eating too many high-fat-food contributes to high blood-cholestrol levels, which can cause hardening of the arteries, coronory heart disease and stroke.

Cut back on salt: Health Organisation recommend no more than five grams a day. Too much salt can lead to stroke and heart problems.

Drink wine: Research suggests that the equivalent of a couple of glasses of wine a day may be good for health. It can also help you keep a good mental frame.

Spouse can matter: A man in poor health in his 50s is six times more likely to be affected if married to a woman who is also in poor health.

Eat right for better teeth: Your pearly whites can gleam. Eat apples, oranges, celery, carrots and high fiber green.

Make love: There is no better medicine than to have sex. people who have sex at least twice a week get protective boost from their immune systems. Of course it relaxes the mind.
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Crash diets don't work: The so called new-age diets do not add to health prospects. There is no easy way to lose weight so the best way is to do it over a period of time.

Coffee is good: Researchers have found that two to four cups of coffee daily can lower the risk of colon cancer by 25 per cent.

Being overweight is dangerous: Loose the extra kilos. Over weight people cut 20 weeks of their life for every excess kilogram, according to new research.
Keeping a personal weight machine at home really helps. Buy one now!

Supplement with selenium: Research has shown that people who took a daily supplement of selenium had a 37 per cent reduction in cancers.

Lower you cholesterol: Work on reducing your cholestrol. This can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke even when your level is not high. Exercise to reduce weight.

Asprin is a wonder drug: Asprin can actually do wonders. It helps to reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease and cancers, including of the colon, oesophagus, stomach, rectum, prostrate. cent.

Change your job: If the workplace is what bothers you. Simply quit! Consider becoming a salesperson. Salespeople are least likely to have a work-related illness.

Socialising is good: Meeting friends and relatives is recommended. Weekly socialising improves the memory, concentration and problem solving skills.

Learn to relax: Unwind, take up a hobby and start socialising. This fights stress and depression.

Fruits and vegetables help: Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, especially tomatoes, red grapes.

Sing to stay healthy: Singing is good for the mind and body. it is relaxing, improves breathing and muscle tone.

Vitamins are vital: A multivit a day keeps the tablet away, but be sure it contains at least 200 meg of folic acid.

Sleep well: There is nothing like a good sleep. Sleep primes the immune system. Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

Or just hum...: Humming helps. Daily humming is a good way to increase ventilation in the sinuses.

All about Blood Pressure

What Is High Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure rises and falls during the day. When blood pressure stays elevated over time, it is called high blood pressure or hypertension. Blood pressure is typically recorded as two numbers — the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (as the heart relaxes between beats). A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or higher is considered high blood pressure, another term for hypertension.

What is systolic blood pressure?

Systolic pressure is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart beats. It is shown as the top number in a blood pressure reading. High blood pressure is 140 and higher for systolic pressure. Diastolic pressure does not need to be high for you to have high blood pressure. When that happens, the condition is called “isolated systolic hypertension,” or ISH.

What is diastolic blood pressure?

Diastolic pressure is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart relaxes between beats. It’s shown as the bottom number in a blood pressure reading.
The diastolic blood pressure has been and remains, especially for younger people, an important hypertension number. The higher the diastolic blood pressure the greater the risk for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. As people become older, the diastolic pressure will begin to decrease and the systolic blood pressure begins to rise and becomes more important. A rise in systolic blood pressure will also increase the chance for heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure. Your physician will use both the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure to determine your blood pressure category and appropriate prevention and treatment activities.

Why Is High Blood Pressure Important?

High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard. It also makes the walls of the arteries hard. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, the first- and third-leading causes of death for Americans. High blood pressure can also cause other problems, such as heart failure, kidney disease, and blindness.

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

The causes of high blood pressure vary. Causes may include narrowing of the arteries, a greater than normal volume of blood, or the heart beating faster or more forcefully than it should. Any of these conditions will cause increased pressure against the artery walls. High blood pressure might also be caused by another medical problem. Most of the time, the cause is not known. Although high blood pressure usually cannot be cured, in most cases it can be prevented and controlled.

How do I know if I have high blood pressure?

High blood pressure often has no signs or symptoms. The only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to be tested for it. Using the familiar blood pressure cuff, your doctor or nurse can easily tell if your blood pressure is high.

How Is Blood Pressure Tested?

Having your blood pressure tested is quick and easy. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and recorded as two numbers systolic pressure “over” diastolic pressure. For example, the doctor or nurse might say “130 over 80” as a blood pressure reading.
Both numbers in a blood pressure reading are important. As we grow older, systolic blood pressure is especially important.
To test your blood pressure, your doctor will use a familiar device with a long name. It is called a sphygmomanometer (pronounced sfig’-mo-ma-nom-e-ter), and may look something like this.

Effect of High blood Pressure on Your Body
Brain: High blood pressure is the most important risk factor for stroke. Very high pressure can cause a break in a weakened blood vessel, which then bleeds in the brain. This can cause a stroke. If a blood clot blocks one of the narrowed arteries, it can also cause a stroke.

Eyes: High blood pressure can eventually cause blood vessels in the eye to burst or bleed. Vision may become blurred or otherwise impaired and can result in blindness.

Arteries: As people get older, arteries throughout the body “harden,” especially those in the heart, brain, and kidneys. High blood pressure is associated with these “stiffer” arteries. This, in turn, causes the heart and kidneys to work harder.

Kidneys: The kidneys act as filters to rid the body of wastes. Over time, high blood pressure can narrow and thicken the blood vessels of the kidneys. The kidneys filter less fluid, and waste builds up in the blood. The kidneys may fail altogether. When this happens, medical treatment (dialysis) or a kidney transplant may be needed.

Heart Attack: High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack. The arteries bring oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle. If the heart cannot get enough oxygen, chest pain, also known as “angina,” can occur. If the flow of blood is blocked, a heart attack results.

Congestive Heart Failure: High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is a serious condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply the body’s needs.

Tips for having your Blood Pressure Taken
› Don’t drink coffee or smoke cigarettes 30 minutes before having your blood pressure measured.
› Before the test, sit for five minutes with your back supported and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arm on a table at the level of your heart.
› Wear short sleeves so your arm is exposed.
› Go to the bathroom prior to the reading. A full bladder can change your blood pressure reading.
› Get two readings, taken at least two minutes apart, and average the results.
› Ask the doctor or nurse to tell you the blood pressure reading in numbers.
› What device can I use to take my own blood pressure?
› Tests at home can be done with the familiar blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope, or with an electronic monitor, such as a digital readout monitor. Also, be sure that the person who will use the device reads the instructions before taking blood pressure readings. Your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist can help you check the device and teach you how to use it. You also may ask for their help in choosing the right one for you. Blood pressure devices can be bought at various places, such as discount chain stores and pharmacies.

II. Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO

for every search engine – actually they are what search strings are matched against. So you see that it is very important that you optimize your site for the right keywords. This seems easy at first but when you get into more detail, it might be a bit confusing to correctly determine the keywords. But with a little research and thinking the problem of selecting the right keywords to optimize for can be solved.
1. Choosing the Right Keywords to Optimize For

It seems that the time when you could easily top the results for a one-word search string is centuries ago. Now, when the Web is so densely populated with sites, it is next to impossible to achieve constant top ratings for a one-word search string. Achieving constant top ratings for two-word or three-word search strings is a more realistic goal. If you examine closely the dynamics of search results for popular one-word keywords, you might notice that it is so easy one week to be in the first ten results and the next one– to have fallen out of the first 30 results because the competition for popular one-word keywords is so fierce and other sites have replaced you.

Of course, you can include one-word strings in your keywords list but if they are not backed up by more expressions, do not dream of high ratings. For instance, if you have a site about dogs, “dog” is a mandatory keyword but if you do not optimize for more words, like “dog owners”, “dog breeds”, “dog food”, or even “canine”, success is unlikely, especially for such a popular keyword. The examples given here are by no means the ultimate truth about how to optimize a dog site but they are good enough to show that you need to think broad when choosing the keywords.

Generally, when you start optimization, the first thing you need to consider is the keywords that describe the content of your site best and that are most likely to be used by users to find you. Ideally, you know your users well and can guess correctly what search strings they are likely to use to search for you. One issue to consider is synonyms. Very often users will use a different word for the same thing. For instance, in the example with the dog site, “canine” is a synonym and it is for sure that there will be users who will use it, so it does not hurt to include it now and then on your pages. But do not rush to optimize for every synonym you can think of – search engines themselves have algorithms that include synonyms in the keyword match, especially for languages like English.

Instead, think of more keywords that are likely to be used to describe your site. Thinking thematically is especially good because search engines tend to rate a page higher if it belongs to a site the theme of which fits into the keyword string. In this aspect it is important that your site is concentrated around a particular theme – i.e. dogs. It might be difficult to think of all the relevant keywords on your own but that is why tools are for. For instance, the Website Keyword Suggestions Tool below can help you to see how search engines determine the theme of your web site and what keywords fit into this theme. You can also try Google's Keyword Tool to get more suggestions about which keywords are hot and which are not.

When choosing the keywords to optimize for, you need to consider not only their relevancy to your site and the expected monthly number of searches for these particular keywords. Very often narrow searches are more valuable because the users that come to your site are those that are really interested in your product. If we go on with the dog example, you might discover that the “adopt a dog” keyphrase brings you more visitors because you have a special section on your site where you give advice on what to look for when adopting a dog. This page is not of interest of current dog owners but to potential dog owners only, who might be not so many in number but are your target audience and the overall effect of attracting this niche can be better than attracting everybody who is interested in dogs in general. So, when you look at the numbers of search hits per month, consider the unique hits that fit into the theme of your site.
2. Keyword Density

After you have chosen the keywords that describe your site and are supposedly of interest to your users, the next step is to make your site keyword-rich and to have good keyword density for your target keywords. Keyword density is a common measure of how relevant a page is. Generally, the idea is that the higher the keyword density, the more relevant to the search string a page is. The recommended density is 3-7% for the major 2 or 3 keywords and 1-2% for minor keywords. 
Although there are no strict rules, try optimizing for a reasonable number of keywords – 5 or 10 is OK. If you attempt to optimize for a list of 300, you will soon see that it is just not possible to have a good keyword density for more than a few keywords, without making the text sound artificial and stuffed with keywords. And what is worse, there are severe penalties (including ban from the search engine) for keyword stuffing because this is considered an unethical practice that tries to manipulate search results.

3. Keywords in Special Places

Keywords are very important not only as quantity but as quality as well – i.e. if you have more keywords in the page title, the headings, the first paragraphs – this counts more that if you have many keywords at the bottom of the page. The reason is that the URL (and especially the domain name), file names and directory names, the page title, the headings for the separate sections are more important than ordinary text on the page and therefore, all equal, if you have the same keyword density as your competitors but you have keywords in the URL, this will boost your ranking incredibly, especially with Yahoo!.
a. Keywords in URLs and File Names

The domain name and the whole URL of a site tell a lot about it. The presumption is that if your site is about dogs, you will have “dog”, “dogs”, or “puppy” as part of your domain name. For instance, if your site is mainly about adopting dogs, it is much better to name your dog site “” than “”, for example, because in the first case you have two major keywords in the URL, while in the second one you have no more than one potential minor keyword.

When hunting for keyword rich domain names, don't get greedy. While from a SEO point of view it is better to have 5 keywords in the URL, just imagine how long and difficult to memorize the URL will be. So you need to strike a balance between the keywords in the URL and site usability, which says that more than 3 words in the URL is a way too much.
Probably you will not be able to come on your own with tons of good suggestions. Additionally, even if you manage to think of a couple of good domain names, they might be already taken.
File names and directory names are also important. Often search engines will give preference to pages that have a keyword in the file name. For instance is not as good as but is certainly better than The advantage of keywords in file names over keywords in URLs is that they are easier to change, if you decide to move to another niche, for example.

b. Keywords in Page Titles

The page title is another special place because the contents of the <title> tag usually gets displayed in most search engines, (including Google). While it is not mandatory per the HTML specification to write something in the <title> tag (i.e. you can leave it empty and the title bar of the browser will read “Untitled Document” or similar), for SEO purposes you may not want to leave the <title> tag empty; instead, you'd better write the the page title in it.

Unlike URLs, with page titles you can get wordy. If we go on with the dog example, the <title> tag of the home page for the can include something like this: <title>Adopt a Dog – Save a Life and Bring Joy to Your Home</title>, <title>Everything You Need to Know About Adopting a Dog</title> or even longer.
c. Keywords in Headings

Normally headings separate paragraphs into related subtopics and from a literary point of view, it may be pointless to have a heading after every other paragraph but from SEO point of view it is extremely good to have as many headings on a page as possible, especially if they have the keywords in them.

There are no technical length limits for the contents of the <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, ... <hn> tags but common sense says that too long headings are bad for page readability. So, like with URLs, you need to be wise with the length of headings. Another issue you need to consider is how the heading will be displayed. If it is Heading 1 (<h1>), generally this means larger font size and in this case it is recommendable to have less than 7-8 words in the heading, otherwise it might spread on 2 or 3 lines, which is not good and if you can avoid it – do it.

Top 10 Costly Link Building Mistakes

Link building is one of the most important SEO activities but this certainly doesn't mean that you should build links at any price – literally and figuratively. Link building can be very expensive in terms of time and money. There are many costly link building mistakes and here are some of the most common:

1 Check if backlinks have a “nofollow” attribute
Link exchanges are still one of the white hat ways to build backlinks but unfortunately, there are many unscrupulous webmasters, who will cheat you. One of the scams is when you pay somebody for a backlink, it suddenly disappears or has the “nofollow” attribute. That is why you should check from time to time if the link is still there and if it doesn't have the “nofollow” attribute.

2 Getting good quality links but with useless anchor texts
It is great when PR of the site you are getting links from is high but when the anchor text is “Click here!” or something like that, such a link is barely useful. Keywords in the anchor text are vital, so if the backlink doesn't have them, it isn't a valuable one. Analyzing the anchor texts of links takes time but the Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer tool can do the hard job for you.

3 Getting an image link (when a text link with keyword is possible)
Sometimes when web masters hurry to get backlinks, they skip minor details, such as anchor text. Yes, an image link is great and it could even bring you more visitors than a text link (if the image is attractive, of course and users click it) but for SEO purposes nothing beats a keyword in the anchor text.

4 Not using ALT text if image link is the only possibility
Image links might be the worse option than text links but if an image link is the only possibility to get a backlink, don't reject it. However, make sure that the ALT text of the image link has your keywords – this is more than nothing.

5 Getting backlinks from irrelevant websites
Now, this mistake is really a popular one! When hunting for backlinks, you should concentrate on relevant sites only. If you have a dating site, getting links from a finance one is not valuable. It is true that it is not easy to find relevant sites to get links from but unless your site is in a very narrow niche, chances are that there are hundreds or even thousands of relevant sites you can get a backlink from. If you need a list of such sites for your niche, try the Backlink Builder and see what suggestions it can give you.

6 Getting backlinks from sites/pages with tons of links
A backlink is more valuable, if it comes from a page, which is not cluttered with tons of other backlinks. Many pages have 200, or more links and if your link is one of them, this isn't a great achievement. On the other hand, many directories put the “nofollow” attribute on nonpaid links, so actually even if there are 200 links on page and most of them are “nofollow” (but yours isn't), this still counts.

7 Links from pages spiders can't crawl
A link might look perfectly legitimate (i.e. keywords in the anchor text and no “nofollow” attribute) and still it might not be a link. This is especially an issue with link exchanges because you put a link to the other site but the other site doesn't do the same for you. Links Google can't index can be placed on dynamic pages or simply on pages, which are not indexed by Google because robots.txt bans it. That is why it doesn't hurt to check from time if the pages your links are placed on are accessible to spiders. The Search Engine Spider Simulator tool can help you do this in no time at all.

8 Explicitly selling links
There is hardly a web master who hasn't heard that paid links can hurt your rankings but still many web masters don't miss the chance to make a few bucks. If you really want to sell links, you'd better use the specialized link selling services, such as because they are more discreet. However, have in mind that while some of the paid links networks try to hide the fact that the links are paid, the rest are not that discreet. Also, maybe the worst gaffe you can make is to include phrases in website like “Buy 5 PR links for $10”or any other hint that you are selling links. You can include “Advertise here!” or similar messages and still de facto sell paid links but this is not as explicit as listing your prices for links.

9 Linking to sites with poor reputation
Linking to sites with poor reputation, also known as “bad neighbors” is one of the worst mistakes you can make. When you link to such sites, for Google this means that you endorse them and this results in penalties for you. That is why you must absolutely always check the sites (and their reputation) first before you link to them. Even if you are offered a lot of money to link to a site with poor reputation, you'd better decline the offer because otherwise your rating with search engines will suffer and this will cause you a lot of problems.

10 Linking to good sites gone bad
Even if you check carefully the sites you link to, sometimes it happens that a site, which used to be more or less decent all of a sudden starts publishing porn ads or other objectionable content. That is why it doesn't hurt if you check not only that the outbound links you have are not broken but also where they lead to.

Links are very important and that is why you should pay attention to what links you are getting. It is not a waste of time to monitor what's going on with your links and in addition to the tools listed in the article, you can also try the Backlink Summary tool.

Introduction – What Is SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often considered the more technical part of Web marketing. This is true because SEO does help in the promotion of sites and at the same time it requires some technical knowledge – at least familiarity with basic HTML. SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text. Generally, SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine-friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

One of the basic truths in SEO is that even if you do all the things that are necessary to do, this does not automatically guarantee you top ratings but if you neglect basic rules, this certainly will not go unnoticed. Also, if you set realistic goals – i.e to get into the top 30 results in Google for a particular keyword, rather than be the number one for 10 keywords in 5 search engines, you will feel happier and more satisfied with your results.

Although SEO helps to increase the traffic to one's site, SEO is not advertising. Of course, you can be included in paid search results for given keywords but basically the idea behind the SEO techniques is to get top placement because your site is relevant to a particular search term, not because you pay.

SEO can be a 30-minute job or a permanent activity. Sometimes it is enough to do some generic SEO in order to get high in search engines – for instance, if you are a leader for rare keywords, then you do not have a lot to do in order to get decent placement. But in most cases, if you really want to be at the top, you need to pay special attention to SEO and devote significant amounts of time and effort to it. Even if you plan to do some basic SEO, it is essential that you understand how search engines work and which items are most important in SEO.
1. How Search Engines Work

The first basic truth you need to learn about SEO is that search engines are not humans. While this might be obvious for everybody, the differences between how humans and search engines view web pages aren't. Unlike humans, search engines are text-driven. Although technology advances rapidly, search engines are far from intelligent creatures that can feel the beauty of a cool design or enjoy the sounds and movement in movies. Instead, search engines crawl the Web, looking at particular site items (mainly text) to get an idea what a site is about. This brief explanation is not the most precise because as we will see next, search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results – crawling, indexing, processing, calculating relevancy, and retrieving.

First, search engines crawl the Web to see what is there. This task is performed by e piece of software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, as is the case with Google). Spiders follow links from one page to another and index everything they find on their way. Having in mind the number of pages on the Web (over 20 billion), it is impossible for a spider to visit a site daily just to see if a new page has appeared or if an existing page has been modified. Sometimes crawlers will not visit your site for a month or two, so during this time your SEO efforts will not be rewarded. But there is nothing you can do about it, so just keep quiet.

What you can do is to check what a crawler sees from your site. As already mentioned, crawlers are not humans and they do not see images, Flash movies, JavaScript, frames, password-protected pages and directories, so if you have tons of these on your site, you'd better run the Spider Simulator below to see if these goodies are viewable by the spider. If they are not viewable, they will not be spidered, not indexed, not processed, etc. - in a word they will be non-existent for search engines.

After a page is crawled, the next step is to index its content. The indexed page is stored in a giant database, from where it can later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords. For a human it will not be possible to process such amounts of information but generally search engines deal just fine with this task. Sometimes they might not get the meaning of a page right but if you help them by optimizing it, it will be easier for them to classify your pages correctly and for you – to get higher rankings.

When a search request comes, the search engine processes it – i.e. it compares the search string in the search request with the indexed pages in the database. Since it is likely that more than one pages (practically it is millions of pages) contains the search string, the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string.

There are various algorithms to calculate relevancy. Each of these algorithms has different relative weights for common factors like keyword density, links, or metatags. That is why different search engines give different search results pages for the same search string. What is more, it is a known fact that all major search engines, like Yahoo!, Google, MSN, etc. periodically change their algorithms and if you want to keep at the top, you also need to adapt your pages to the latest changes. This is one reason (the other is your competitors) to devote permanent efforts to SEO, if you'd like to be at the top.

The last step in search engines' activity is retrieving the results. Basically, it is nothing more than simply displaying them in the browser – i.e. the endless pages of search results that are sorted from the most relevant to the least relevant sites.
2. Differences Between the Major Search Engines

Although the basic principle of operation of all search engines is the same, the minor differences between them lead to major changes in results relevancy. For different search engines different factors are important. There were times, when SEO experts joked that the algorithms of Bing are intentionally made just the opposite of those of Google. While this might have a grain of truth, it is a matter a fact that the major search engines like different stuff and if you plan to conquer more than one of them, you need to optimize carefully.

There are many examples of the differences between search engines. For instance, for Yahoo! and Bing, on-page keyword factors are of primary importance, while for Google links are very, very important. Also, for Google sites are like wine – the older, the better, while Yahoo! generally has no expressed preference towards sites and domains with tradition (i.e. older ones). Thus you might need more time till your site gets mature to be admitted to the top in Google, than in Yahoo!.

السبت، 18 سبتمبر 2010

مناظر صحية: صور من الطبيعة تساعد على استرخاء و راحة الدماغ

المناظر الطبيعية تؤثر على الدماغ و تلعب دوراً مهدئاً في الدماغ : مشاهد أو صور من البحر مثلاً تعمل على تفعيل و تنشيط مناطق معينة من الدماغ وينتج عن ذلك شعور بالاسترخاء. و بالعكس فصور من الطرق
المزدحمة تعمل على إيقاف هذا النشاط.

هذه العلاقة تم استنتاجها من فريق دولي من الباحثين عن طريق فحص الدماغ بالاشعة. بهذا الاستنتاج يمكن معرفة مدة تأثر البيئة المحيطة بالانسان و نظرته إليها من اجل الاسترخاء كما يقول الباحثون. و بالتالي يمكن القيام باجراءت تساعد في تصميم الأماكن العامة والمباني بشكل يبعث الراحة للانسان في المستقبل. الدراسة اقيمت في مشفى التابع للجامعة شيفيلد قسم العلوم العصبية و تم نشرها في المجلة NeuroImage

الباحثون ارادوا معرفة النشاط الدماغي من خلال المشاهد التي يراها الانسان من حوله. و ذلك باستخدام ما يسمى التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي الوظيفي لنشاط الدماغ في الوقت الذي تتم فيه تبديل المشاهد و الصور المختلفة. وبهذه الطريقة تمكن الباحثون على إظهار تشابك المناطق الهادئة في نقاط معينة من الدماغ. و على وجه الخصوص تم ملاحظة نشاط قشرة الفص الجبهي، وهي منطقة تلعب دورا رئيسيا في الاحساس. و عند مشاهد من الشارع المزدحم تم ملاحظة تفكك التشابك بين مناطق الهادئة في الدماغ.

هذا الاكتشاف يقدم للعلماء فرصة، توثيق نشاط الدماغ من خلال البيئة المحيطة، وبالتالي يمكن النظر في كيفية خلق و إنشاء بيئة تعمل على مد الانسان الشعور بالراحة و غيره من اسباب و تطبيقه في مجال المعمار و العمل و الشوارع.

نقلا عن مجلة الصحة ...

الجمعة، 17 سبتمبر 2010

اتصالات الإماراتية تخطط رسمياً لدخول سورية كمشغل ثالث للخليوي

أعلنت شركة اتصالات الإماراتية عن رغبتها بدخول المزايدة التي ستعلنها الحكومة السورية لإدخال مشغل ثالث للخليوي بحسب تصريحات الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة اتصالات جمال الجروان، وذلك بعد موافقة الحكومة السورية مؤخراً على إدخال مشغل ثالث للاتصالات النقالة، وتحويل عقدي الشركتين المشغلتين سيريتل و MTN إلى تراخيص.
وكانت شركة اتصالات قد أعربت في مناسبات عدة عن رغبتها بدخول السوق السوري، وهي واحدة من أكبر شركات الاتصالات في العالم، وإحدى أكبر شركات الاتصالات في آسيا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا، وتتخذ المؤسسة من دولة الإمارات مقراً لها، وتمتلك اتصالات أكبر شبكات التجوال الدولي في المنطقة من خلال ارتباطها مع 525 مشغل يغطون أنحاء الكرة الأرضية في 190 دولة سواء خدمة البلاك بيري أو الجيل الثالث، كما تمتلك مراكز ارتباط في لندن، نيويورك، أمستردام، سنغافورة، وفرانكفورت وباريس، ما يؤهلها لتوفير خدمات تواصل على الصعيد العالمي

نقلا عن شهارة نت..

فيما لايزال نجلها مفقوداً.. العثور على معتمرة يمنية بعد 10 أيام من فقدانها بمكة

عثرت لجنة النقل والتفويج للمعتمرين اليمنيين بالاراضي المقدسة بالمملكة العربية السعودية على معتمرة يمنية في العقد السادس من عمرها بعد نحو عشرة ايام من فقدانها خارج ساحة الحرم المكي بالمشاعر المقدسة في حين لايزال نجلها مفقودا هو الاخر منذ الجمعة الـ(10) من سبتمبر الجاري في ظروف غامضة.
وقالت مصادر بلجنة النقل والتفويج التابعة لوزارة الأوقاف والإرشاد في اليمن ان السيدة / فاطمة احمد على عيسى (مواليد 1947م- محافظة حجة) عثر عليها لدى مواطن سعودي امس الأحد بعد أن تبين له انها ظلت طريقها خلال اداء مناسك العمرة..
واتضح من السيدة التي تم العثور عليها ان نجلها / محمد احمد حسين القاعدى( 42 عام -محافظة حجة) لايزال مفقودا هو الآخر منذ افتراقهما عن بعض لحظة تدافع للمعتمرين عقب صلاة الجمعة قبل الماضية بالحرم المكي, واكد محمد بركات – عضو لجنة النقل والتفويج للمعتمرين في تصريحة للمؤتمر نت –انتشار موظفي اللجنة للبحث عن المعتمر القاعدي ونشر اعلانات حائطية باسمه وأوصافه في الأماكن العامة وكذا ايواء والدته بتوجيهات واشراف مباشر من قبل وزير الأوقاف والإرشاد القاضي حمود الهتار الذي يتابع الحالة باستمرار.
واشار المسئول بوزارة الاوقاف الى ان المعتمرين المفقودين تم منحهما تاشيرة العمرة عن طريق من وصفهم بـ(سماسرة) مكاتب السفر والسياحة ، بشكل انفرادي وليس تحت اشراف البعثة اليمنية وضمن افواج منظمة ، واكد بركات لـ(المؤتمرنت) استضافتهم للمعتمرة اليمنية التي عثر عليها وترتيب سكن لها وتوفير احتياجاتها حتى يتم العثور على نجلها ومن ثم اعادتهم سويا الى ارض الوطن قائلا:(واجبنا الرسمي والانساني والوطني يحُتم علينا التعامل مع هذه الحالة وغيرها وعدم التخلي عنها حتى لو كان دخولها خارج أنظمة التفويج الجماعي ) .
نقلا عن موقع شهارة نت

إنتل تعد "لثورة في عالم الحاسوب الشخصي" بنوع جديد من الرقائق

كشفت إنتل أكبر الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في صناعة الشرائح الإلكترونية عن نوع جديد من الرقائق تقول إنها ستحدث هزة في الأسواق.
ويجمع المنتج الجديد -الذي أطلقت عليه الشركة إسم ساندي بريدج (الجسر الرملي)- لأول مرة معالج معلومات بمعالج الرسومات في رقاقة سيليكون واحدة.
وقد صمم بحيث يختصر الوقت الذي يستغرقه إعداد الرسومات، ويجنب الاختناق الحاصل بسبب اكتظاظ الذاكرة ومعالج الرسومات.
كما ينتظر أن تساعد الرقاقة الجديدة على إطالة عمر البطارية، والاقتصاد في استهلاك الطاقة.
وتراهن الشركة على استرضاء تجار الحواسيب ومستخدميها على السواء.
وقد اضطرت إنتل إلى خفض توقعاتها فيما يتعلق بالمبيعات بسبب تراجع الطلب على الحواسيب.
وقال بول أوتيليني، رئيس إنتل التنفيذي لمنتدى التطوير السنوي الذي عقد في سان فرانسيسكو: " سوف تحدث ساندي بريدج ثورة في أجهزة الحواسيب. ففي شريحة واحدة، وضعنا كل المؤهلات الضرورية لعمل الحواسيب، وهذا مهم جدا لرقاقة انتل".
وتستهدف إنتل برقاقته الجديدة كل الحواسيب الشخصية من الفئة الاقتصادية، وينتظر أن يتم تسويقه في وقت مبكر من العام المقبل.
ويتوقع أن يلحق تسويق الرقاقة الجديدة ضربة موجعة بمنافسة إنتل شركة إنفيديا التي تصنع رقائق معالجة الرسومات.
نقلا عن البي بي سي

الخميس، 16 سبتمبر 2010

مسؤول في الأزهر يؤيد حظر النقاب في فرنسا

أكد عضو مجمع البحوث الاسلامية في الازهر عبد المعطي بيومي الاربعاء انه يؤيد قرار فرنسا بحظر النقاب في الاماكن العامة معتبرا ان ارتداءه ليس فرضا اسلاميا.

واضاف بيومي لوكالة فرانس برس انه "لا سند في القران او السنة للنقاب".

وردا على سؤال حول هذا الحظر الذي اقره بشكل نهائي البرلمان الفرنسي الثلاثاء قال "انا شخصيا مؤيد تماما لهذا القرار ونحن في المجمع نرى ان النقاب لا يستند الى الشريعة ولا يوجد قطعيا لا في القرأن ولا في السنة" ما يلزم المرأة المسلمة بارتداء النقاب.

واضاف "اريد ان ابعث برسالة للمسلمين في فرنسا واوروبا لأؤكد لهم انه لا سند للنقاب في القران ولا في السنة".

وتابع "كنت استاء عند زيارتي لفرنسا عندما ارى منقبات لان هذا لا يعطي صورة حسنة للاسلام".

وتعتبر مؤسسة الازهر القريبة من السلطات في مصر قطبا للوسطية في العالم الاسلامي.

ومنع الازهر ارتداء النقاب في مؤسساته التعليمية ما اثار جدلا واسعا العام الماضي في مصر حيث اخذ هذا الزي في الانتشار في الاونة الاخيرة.

نقلا عن الموقع الالكتروني لقناة البي بي سي BBC